Can I purchase a gift card?

Absolutely! You have two options: Subscription Gift Card or Store Gift Card (store gift cards cannot be applied to subscriptions and vice versa as these are two different systems). 


Subscription Gift Cards

Purchase your gift card at and click GIFT at the top of the page. 

Choose the amount of the gift, and it will be added to the cart. After checkout the gift card code will be emailed to you, and you can choose how best to pass it along to the gift recipient.

The gift recipient can come to the Faithbox website and place an order directly for the subscription of her or his choice. (The card can not be used on the Faithbox Shop for one-off purchases.) The gift card can be used to pay for sales tax, and shipping is always free! Any remaining balance on the card will be held in the user's account and applied at the next subscription renewal.


Store Gift Cards

You can purchase a gift card and send it to your recipient via email only.

Your recipient will then apply the gift card code to their order at checkout and if there is a remaining balance, it will be applied to the next order.

Gift cards can only be used at meaning that gift cards WILL NOT work on a subscription. However, you can gift a subscription. Info on this can be found here.

There is a 6-month expiration from the date the gift card was purchased. If your recipient is using the gift card on a subscription, a credit card will need to be on file in the event the balance of the gift card does not cover the next renewal billing charge.

At the current moment, gift messages cannot be added into your Faithbox. However, if you wish to send your recipient an electronic “Gift Message”, the following messages are available for download:

Birthday Gift Message | Holiday Gift MessageWho is Faithbox | You Received a Gift

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